Land of the Penitentes is a 279-page softcover
book that contains over 100 black and white
photographs and illustrations, some dating back
as early as 1920.  Several of the photographs
depict the Penitente processions, their ritual garb
and instruments such as the disciplinas (whips)
used during self-flagellation, and their places of
worship called
moradas in Spanish.  This book is
based on the author's family Penitente
journals, interviews of Penitentes, and personal
experiences. The text and pictures document
their secret physical rituals during Holy Week,
and their humble, everyday lives serving their
Church, their Brotherhood, and their families.
During his presentations the author dispels
rumors that the Penitente Brotherhood is a
sadistic cult or that it is tied to Opus Dei, recently
made popular in the book and movie titled "
Da Vinci Code".  
This publication also presents a
unique history of the communities, notable
characters, and even Lenten meals and recipes
typical of the southern Colorado and northern
New Mexico Penitente area.  
 Retail price $ 22.95
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information.  If you would like to order a copy of Land of the Penitentes Land of
Tradition, please click on this link:
orderform then print and fill out the form.  Send
the form with a check or money order to the address on the form.  Orders
will be filled upon receipt of payment.